Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Countdown Begins!

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my blog! My plan is update this site pretty regularly while I am on my little adventure this summer in order to keep everyone posted with where I am and what I am up to, if you are interested in following along. Obviously I haven't left yet (the big day is July 3rd) but I thought I should do a little intro-post before I pack my bags.

I am fortunate enough to be attending a 5 week long bioarchaeology field school in Astypalaia, Greece this summer. The field school is run by University College London and focuses on subadult remains. To find out more about the field school itself, take a quick trip here:


I looked at a bunch of field schools to apply to this summer and this one instantly stood out as it focuses exclusively on the excavation, documentation, and preservation of subadult remains, which is an incredibly rare and exciting opportunity. Now add in the location - and wow. This trip should be amazing, and will fill a lifelong dream!  I have wanted to visit Greece since 3rd grade when I first learned about Greek mythology (just ask my mom and dad about my amazing hand-drawn comic "Hannerus & Jasperus" - a greek myth based almost entirely on the life of me and my first pony Jasper). When I turned 20 I also promised myself to visit 10 new countries before I turned 30 - so this trip will definitely help me make some inroads on that little project.

Anyway - after I cram my noggin full of new and exciting information I will be headed back to Athens, and am being met at the airport by my fabulous significant other, Fern. We are staying in Athens for 3 days, followed by Rome for 3 days, and then Paris for 3 days.  Here's the rough itinerary:

July 3 - Depart from Toronto (A)
July 4 - Arrive in Athens (B), then catch a smaller plane out to Astypalaia (C)
July 6 - Field school starts
August 10 - Field school finishes
August 12 - Meet Fern in Athens
August 15 - Fly to Rome (D)
August 18 - Off to Paris (E)
August 21 - Head back home to Toronto

So, I am both excited and terrified. I have bought most of my gear, have my itinerary mostly planned and have booked everything that needs to be booked. Still to do: sorting out phone cards, figuring out the money situation, and packing my bags. Only 25 days to go... so I should probably get my skates on.

That's all for now, I'll write again before heading out to the airport in a few weeks!

Mileage Remaining: 10,799
Days Remaining in Trip: 50

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