Sunday, June 12, 2011

Trading Show Season for School...

Only 20 days to go!

I have made zero progress regarding the to-do list I wrote about last time as we have been at a horse show all weekend. Truth be told it has finally struck home how much of the summer and show season I will be missing, and it’s a bit of a bummer. I always realized it was going to be a bit of a trade-off -  gaining fabulous excavation and lab experience while sacrificing a lot of horse show time - but I guess back in February when I submitted my application it didn’t seem like such a bad thing. Coming off the first full show at my new level (Intermediare-1) and having done so well (qualified for CBLM Championships/ 1 Gold Medal score/ Qualified for freestyle/ Reserve High-Point for I1), its now going to be incredibly difficult to kiss Sully’s nose goodbye for 6 weeks... I love showing him and am going to miss him, along with Pica and the fam-jam.

Sully posing with his winnings from this weekend
Having said all of that, I am still 100% excited and still feel extremely fortunate to be enrolled in the field school… and that will not change. This is an awesome opportunity, and I am sure that Sully won’t mind heading to some horse shows at training level with Izzy at the helm. He does seem to get a kick out of inserting extended trots into diagonals that aren’t even supposed to be in lengthening trot and he has been known to insert one-tempi changes on 20-m canter circles just to show off.

Anyway, over the next 20 days my new goal is to familiarize myself with the Greek language. I bought a crash course introduction to Greek last week and need to spend some serious time learning how on earth one pronounces words that have 8 syllables and are entirely constructed from symbols I vaguely remember from first year university physics (like Delta: ∆ which means the change in something, like the change in temperature. But language-wise… how on earth do you pronounce “triangle”?!)

Mileage Remaining: 10,799
Days Remaining: 50

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