Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bye, Pittsburgh!

I left Pittsburgh this morning with my giant bag, which weighs in at 45lbs. Yes, it is one pound overweight. Yes, it is an improvement from packing attempt #1, which hulked in on the scale at 56lbs. But that one extra pound is something I cannot part with. The BEST Starbucks manager at the BEST Starbucks in the UNIVERSE (aka Doug/Gibsonia) donated me a pound of Verona to take to Astypalaia Island with me to ensure I am properly caffeinated in the morning before we start work (Which is awesome since work starts at 7 but breakfast isn't until 9). So that one extra pound is completely necessary... I mean, if I don't take that pound of coffee, I might kill my coworkers. But the point of this post is not to complain about the packing restrictions, nor is it to thank my favorite Baristas for single handedly preventing first degree murder - but rather, to document the unofficial first mini-leg of my trip.

Leaving home stinks. I know this is going to be a great experience, but it definitely is zero fun patting the horses so-long and saying goodbye to the fam-jam. I'm trying not to dwell on all the neat things I will miss this summer. I'm going to be missing from Pittsburgh for nigh on 8 weeks - that's a long time. I will miss 95% of my grandparents visit, lose out on the chance to qualify the I1 freestyle for CBLMs, and miss the pool and BBQ days. I'm going to have to spend what is left in my bank account on carrots for Sully when I'm back to get him to stop sulking. I'm going to miss out on the post-riding Starbucks runs. Most importantly, I won't find out real-time whether Casey Anthony is found guilty or not (kidding. I'm not addicted to the trial like some people *cough-Mum-cough-Kate-cough*.)

The airport was fun. I love flying back and forth from Pittsburgh... its more of a take off, level out, then immediately land since the flight is just under an hour. Today, though, the flight just made me anxious... especially when we landed and taxied past the GIANT transatlantic jumbo jets. My tiny little micro plane would have been able to drive clean under the plane that I'll be strapping myself into on Sunday. I am excited to go, and terrified all at the same time.

I've checked and rechecked all the gear I packed. Every confirmation is printed, everything electric is charged and ready, I've said 95% of my good-byes, and now... I guess I just sit back and wait until Sunday.

Or maybe I'll go unpack and re-pack just one more time.

Mileage Remaining: 10,799
Days Remaining in Trip: 50

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