Sunday, July 3, 2011

Alive In Athens!

Made it successfully through leg number one! I'm tired and uncomfortably caffeinated, and my body has zero idea what time it is, but I AM HERE! And I'm older than yesterday (or is it two days ago? Or half a day? Who knows...At some point I turned 23. Twenty-three. Feels odd to say. Maybe it's just because I am too tired to process properly right now).

This morning Fern's Momma made us all a lovely breakfast before I headed out to the airport, which was delicious and kept me pretty full. You cannot go wrong with eggs and bacon and toast and champagne for breakfast. The Fern drove me to the airport and kept me company until I checked my bags, and then off I went to clear security while trying to ignore the giant knot in my stomach.

Incidentally, for those of you who are interested - I pushed my luggage limit to the max! 20 kilos was the allowance, and I checked my bag in at 19.7! Hoorah for not paying for extra luggage; turns out traveling like the incredible hulk really does pay off!

Anyway, I arrived at 7:24am local time (12:24am Toronto time) after an uneventful and fairly pleasant flight. My first experience with the flying cattle cars was better than expected. I had a decent amount of legroom and had a normal person next to me (usually I get all screaming babies or whale-people). Dinner was decent, although heinously under seasoned especially to my newly improved portuguese-via-osmosis palate, which basically means everything needs to have a ton of garlic or hot pepper on it. I accidentally dumped a whole package of salt on the rice/chicken concoction in an attempt to remedy the situation (I thought it was pepper!) so while my food ended up being seasoned it wasn't the type of seasoning I'd usually go for! Breakfast was lousy though, as was the coffee, but it beats nothing.

I only slept for a whopping 15 minutes... but other than that, solid first major transatlantic experience. I may or may not have stared around the aircraft in childlike wonder for a few minutes (holy macaroni are those jumbo jets HUGE...I can actually stand up without smoking my head on the ceiling like I do every single time on the Air Canada Jazz flights!). I guess what I am trying to say is that the flight could have been lousy and I was just in too good a mood and too excited to notice.

So now I am in the airport in Athens, waiting for the rest of my group to make it here... and then out to Astypalaia. Incidentally, I know many of you are worried because of all of the strikes and demonstrations, but the airport seems unaffected. Anyway, I'll try to write when I am out on Asty this afternoon, but I don't know what the internet will be like. Until then, love to all you fabulous people. I hope this post made sense. Man am I tired.

Miles Remaining: 5,719
Days Remaining: *49
*Or Is it 48? I really gotta figure out this time diff thing, and not try to do math when I am severely jet-lagged.

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