Thursday, July 7, 2011

Juvenile Osteology - Warp Speed Edition

So today was our first "real" day, which was spent rotating through various stations including plan mapping soil ball burials, conservation of remains, post-excavation, and most importantly, the first half of juvenile osteology.

Today we covered the upper limb and lower limb. Tomorrow we cover skull, vertebrae, and dentition, and then thats it for instruction - on to the practical. I am worried though since we have an anatomy and lab test early next week... there was SO MUCH information SO QUICKLY today, so I will likely spend the next few evenings studying! Juvenile bones are difficult to asses since they are tiny and not as clearly developed as adults, meaning that identification and siding of whole bones can be difficult, let alone fragments.

Other than that there isn't much to report, other than the assistant site supervisor is planning on coming out to the bar Saturday night to indulge in a game of bunnies with us students which should be fun!

Off to study and likely take a power nap... this whole "greek lifestyle" is addictive! I'm a huge fan of afternoon naps, which are especially useful when you are woken up nice and early by the roosters...again.

Mileage Remaining: 5, 452
Days Remaining in Trip: 46

1 comment:

  1. Bunnies eh?
    Skype me for some ninja moves that I have always kept in reserve!!
