Saturday, August 13, 2011

(Eenie I poo) Acropoli!

Today was just awesome.

We got up late (9:30 ish) and had a quick breakfast at the hotel. Then we headed straight for the Acropolis! We bought a combo ticket so we could see a lot of the different monuments, but we started with the one I was most excited for.

Tickets in hand, and with me bouncing up and down, we headed up to see the Parthenon, Temple of Athena-Nike, and the other monuments currently being restored at the top of the Acropolis. On the way we got a chance to look at the amazing Theatre of Dionysus.

Bucket List Item #1: Check.
Afterwards, we stopped at a giant rocky outcrop that was used by a council to decide upon punishments for those who had committed crimes like murder and arson, which was neat. Then we walked to the Agora, explored for a few hours, and then went to the Acropolis museum.

On top of Areios Pagos
After the museum and lunch, we took a stroll over to the Temple of Zeus and Hadrian's Gate. Then back to the hotel for a power nap! This evening we are planning on going to Hadrian's library, the Roman Agora, the Keramikos, and then back to the Acropolis for a free full-moon concert thats happening tonight. We will squish dinner in there somewhere too!

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