Saturday, August 20, 2011


A quick update for Paris so far!

Our day of travel went off without a hitch, even though we only had a 30 minute layover in Vienna. Somehow both us and our bags made it! The most shocking thing was how green Vienna was – and Paris too. Its nice to see trees again!

For our first evening, we took a walk and then found a nice little restaurant. Then we called it a night since we were both exhausted.

Yesterday we took a giant walk and saw a lot of the sites. We walked through the Jardin des Tuileries and saw the big opera house. We also walked past the Musee de L'Armee and the Musee D'Orsay. We visited the Louvre and saw (amongst hundreds of other things) the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, Cupid and Psyche, and Hammurabi’s Code. That museum is HUGE – we tried to at least run through most of the exhibits but we left after nearly 3 hours only having “seen” 2/3 of the works. We also got lost (again) several times. And by several I really mean hundreds.

The Gardens

Outside the Louvre

You can JUST see the Mona Lisa in the background - there were SO MANY people!

We are now cultured and learned. Ha.
Afterwards we found a little restaurant for lunch. I had the best quiche EVER! So tasty! Afterwards we walked to the Eiffel Tower – bucket list item #3 completed! Then we managed to wrangle a free ride on a double decker bus over to Notre Dame, and then we grabbed coffee and walked home!

Yay! I have a tower growing out of my noggin!
All in all, Paris is beautiful – albeit expensive! Today we are going to see the catacombs and seeing some other sights. Very cool. 

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