Sunday, August 14, 2011

Wait...what Island is this?

Last night we ended up opting out of the other archaeological sites and opted to people watch during dinner, while listening to the concert from afar. The full moon was beautiful, and we had a lovely evening.
Why yes, I am the luckiest girl in the world.
Today we decided to go on an adventure - off to the islands for a relaxing day. Well - it wasn't relaxing due to many small misadventures which ended up making a jam packed yet interesting journey. Today we travelled by FLYING DOLPHIN to the islands of Greece!

Cool eh?
We took a flying dolphin boat from the main port in athens to an island called Aegina. But - we missed our stop, and ended up on another island (Agistri) next door. After attempting to find an ATM to pay for a return ticket (all the ATMs were busted) we ended up going on a giant walking tour of Agistri before scrounging enough change to head back to Aegina via another flying dolphin. In Aegina, we went for a swim in the ocean, then had a nice lunch right next to the sea before headed back on the third flying dolphin home to the port. We couldn't find the metro at the port, so spent a while running in circles, before finally finding the green line, which then decided not to stop at the exit we needed. So, we got home much later than intended, and have decided that while Athens is pretty awesome, it is currently let down by its slobby inhabitants! We enjoyed our time here, but its time to move on. We are both ready for Rome!!!
We are Experts at getting lost.

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